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20200101 Final coalition negotiations of OEVP and Green Party with press statement

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VIENNA, AUSTRIA - JANUARY 1: Chairman and national spokesman of the Green Party Werner Kogler (2nd person from left) with his team arriving at the final coalition negotiations of OEVP and Green Party with press statement at Winterpalais, Himmelpfortgasse 8 on January 1, 2020 in Vienna, Austria.

WIEN, OESTERREICH - 1. JAENNER: Klubobmann und Bundesprecher der Gruenen Werner Kogler (2. Person v. links) mit seinem Verhandlungsteam beim Eintreffen zu den finalen Koaltionsverhandlungen im Winterpalais, Himmelpfortgasse 8 am 1. JAENNER, {year4) in Wien, Oesterreich.

Credit: SEPA.Media | Martin Juen

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